Haunted Hideaways

WV State Penitentiary

The West Virginia State Penitentiary, located in Moundsville, operated from 1876 to 1995. This Gothic-style prison housed some of the most notorious criminals and was known for its severe overcrowding and harsh conditions. The penitentiary witnessed numerous riots and executions, adding to its grim history. Now a tourist attraction, it offers tours showcasing its eerie past, including tales of hauntings and paranormal activity, drawing visitors interested in history and the supernatural.

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The Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, located in Weston, West Virginia, is a historic psychiatric hospital that operated from 1864 to 1994. Originally designed to house 250 patients, it became infamous for overcrowding, holding up to 2,400 patients at its peak. The asylum is renowned for its Gothic Revival architecture and is the largest hand-cut stone masonry building in North America. Today, it serves as a museum and tourist attraction, offering historic and paranormal tours that highlight its past and eerie ambiance.

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Silver Run Tunnel 19

Silver Run Tunnel 19, located in Cairo, WV, is infamous for its eerie reputation. Built in the late 19th century as part of the North Bend Rail Trail, the tunnel has long been a hotspot for paranormal enthusiasts. Numerous reports of ghostly apparitions and inexplicable sounds have fueled local legends. Visitors often describe a chilling atmosphere, attributing the hauntings to tragic accidents during its construction. Despite its ghostly tales, Tunnel 19 remains a fascinating historical site.

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Blennerhassett Hotel

The Blennerhassett Hotel, located in Parkersburg, West Virginia, is a historic establishment known for its elegant Victorian architecture and rich past. Opened in 1889, it has hosted numerous notable guests. The hotel is also famous for its hauntings, with reports of ghostly apparitions, mysterious footsteps, and unexplained noises. Guests and staff alike have recounted encounters with spirits, particularly in the library and hallways, making it a popular destination for paranormal enthusiasts.

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Lake Shawnee Abandoned Park

Lake Shawnee Abandoned Amusement Park in Princeton, West Virginia, is a haunted site with a dark history. Established in the 1920s, the park was built on a Native American burial ground, leading to numerous eerie incidents and several tragic deaths. It closed in 1966 but remains a popular spot for paranormal enthusiasts. The park is now a chilling reminder of its eerie past, with remnants of old rides and structures still standing amidst the overgrown landscape.

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Haymond House

The Haymond House in Sutton, WV, is a historic home renowned for its paranormal activity. Built in the late 1800s, it has been the site of numerous eerie occurrences, including unexplained footsteps, disembodied voices, and mysterious apparitions. The house has a rich history, with ties to local legends and ghostly folklore, making it a popular destination for ghost hunters and paranormal enthusiasts seeking to experience its haunted legacy firsthand.

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